Title: “We're Your Arch Nemeses”
Rating: G
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters from the shows Buffy the vampire slayer or Angel; they belong to the god Joss Whedon, Fox, UPN and the WB
Summary: Poem written about the Troika
“We're Your Arch Nemeses”
As villains go Sunnydale has seen a few
There was the Master and Glory to name but two
But in season 6 the menace was great.
The worst of all evils up to this date
Warren, Jonathan and Andrew too.
The Troika descended. What WILL Buffy do?
The dastardly nerds were full of schemes.
To take over Sunnydale was one of there dreams
Testing out the Slayer, a time loop was set.
Over and over till the challenge was met.
An invisible Buffy, a fast freeze gun.
When Willow went crazy they went on the run.
Warren was the leader with a power hungry mind
To which both the others were really quite blind
Andrew was smitten he thought Warren knew it all.
But Jonathan was doubtful he knew they’d fall
Warren ruined there plans with his attempted kill.
Taras bloodstained body lay lifeless and still.
Jonathan was a loner, he wanted to be cool.
He never did fit in with the other kids at school.
So when he joined the trio, he thought it would be fun.
Until his spells and conjuring came rapidly undone.
He once became a Superstar it was his moment of glory
Now a vessel of the First, his flesh all bloodied and gory
Andrew summoned demons they appeared to his tune.
Distracting the Slayer so she wouldn’t find them soon.
After stabbing Jonathon, watching his dead body fall
Who’d have thought he’d become, a good guy after all
The Final battles over and Andrews still alive
From the three that started, he was the only one survived.
So the Evil Trio has now been defeated
As take overs go they feel they’ve been cheated.
Warren was caught and flayed alive.
Jonathan was drained of the blood inside.
Now there’s only Andrew to face the blame.
He lives to fight another day, remembering their shame.
The End