Title: Anyas Perfect Day
Rating: G
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters from the shows Buffy the vampire slayer or Angel; they belong to the god Joss Whedon, Fox, UPN and the WB
Summary: Poem based on the season 6 episode "Hells Bells".
Anyas Perfect Day
For weeks they’d been planning there big wedding day
Xander just cringed while Anya had her say
From seating to dresses they argued and ate
Chips of Cajun Fiesta, were consumed by the crate
Buffy and Willow stood shocked in the room
The image before them mirrored their doom
It was green; it was hideous the arms were a mess
It was the Witch and the Slayer in their bridesmaid dress
Anya was lovely in her white wedding gown
Sunnydale Bisons Lodge was the venue in town
The rain it was pouring the weather was grim
Xanders dad drunk at the bar, he was full to the brim
The day was upon them, Anyas dreams were complete
The guests had arrived and were shown to there seat
Demons and humans just couldn’t get along
The arguing and bickering was coming on strong
Anyas vows they were silly with poodles and strays
She really was quirky with her ex-demon ways
Xander he loved her for all she’d become
But her ideal wedding would soon be undone
From out in the storm, and old man came in
Revenge would be sweet, the chaos would begin
Poor old Xander, he was led to believe
False tales of his future, his wedding he must leave
Xander was missing, Willow was upset
Buffy was stalling, the stage it was set
Anya discovered why, the reason was grim
The lies were too much for Xander to take in
Anya was left at the altar, broken hearted
There true love was over, before it had started
D’hoffryn was there to mop up the tears
Will Anya return to her vengeance years?
The End