"'It's Nothing'" - Torchwood (Gwen/Rhys, Gwen/Owen)

May 14, 2008 21:41

Title: It’s Nothing
Author: willowwood
Fandom: Torchwood
Character(s)/Pairing: Gwen Cooper, Gwen/Rhys, Gwen/Owen
Rating: PG-13
Words: 392
Disclaimer: I don’t own this show; I just have it taking over my life right now.
Spoilers: Set post 1.06 - Countrycide.
Authors Notes: This was originally intended for the tv_100 challenge ‘Nothing’ but, as is usually the case when I try to write for these kinds of things I ended up going over the word limit by about 130-ish words lmao, and couldn’t bring myself to edit it. Therefore, you’re getting it in all its glory. Enjoy!
Summary: ‘The lies roll of her tongue almost as if she believes them herself’

It all became so easy...

Yay! I FINALLY have Gwen/Owen icons! *does happy dance*

gwen cooper/owen harper, owen harper, gwen cooper/rhys williams, gwen cooper, torchwood fanfiction, torchwood, stories

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