Nov 02, 2005 00:31
Foolish foolish child. You call me, ask me to drink with you and some one I don't really know/like, (I'm PREGNANT for christ's sake, and I can't beleive you forgot.. oh wait, yes I can, because you're that self involved) And then tell me to read something, that in the end, I find offensive. I cannot believe the gall that it takes to try to tell me how to raise a child, you, some one who cannot even take care of you're own self, and isn't even ANY where near being an adult yet. I do not need, desire, or even care in the slightest to know about what you feel about my current life situation. Please stop reading my LJ, and please don't show up at my work. You have offended me for the last time, and I am not going to be so foolish as to think that you'll ever learn how to interact with people on a truley human level. It is absolutly NONE of you're business how I discipline Alyshia, and I will put blame where blame is due. Any one who spends over a grand a month on a child that is not directly for their physical upkeep, is being quite excessive, and I can say anything I want about the affect it is having on said child. And further more, you have spent a grand fucking total of HOW much time with Alyshia? You're never here when she's awake, and she spent most of the time in her room when you were. I do not beleive you've seen the child enough to even begin to know how she behaves. I AM pushing to get her into therapy, but not not DARE give me advice on how to discipline her, as you've never truley had to deal with a child of her age, and I am quite sure that you're decision to not have children is the right one, seeing as any child you have prolonged contact with is SURE to end up as emotionally scarred as you like to pretend you are, an as emotionally stunted as you REALLY are. Forget my name, and never utter it again. I am so sick of dealing with your infantile behavior and you're utterly self-involved dispostion.