Oct 02, 2006 11:43
Wow. It's been a long fucking time since I've written in here. I have a xanga blog now (xanga.com/willowearthflame), and I'm on facebook and myspace more often than not. I know, badbad me. Lesse...what's happened to me since February and shit...hmm...
Well, dated my best friend Chris for a while, broke up with ihm in March, he's still my best friend. Went back otu with my best friend, Jesie, broke up with her before she went back to college. Am talking to a guy now named David that I met on Louisvillemojo.com, he's sweet and stuff. I'm lonely too, so that suxorz.
I have been drawing a ton lately, but with no access to a scanner more often than not, I haven't been able to post anything. Especially not here. I can post on my xanga though. Ponderosa, you should come look!
There's just a lot of junk going on lately and it suxorz....I'll psot when I actually have the urge to write. But right now, guess I'm going to go update my xanga with pictures! Yay! ^_^