Jan 26, 2007 20:23
Wow! I can't believe my parakeets have layed 5 eggs.(well,she did)I don't know if they will hatch since this is their first go at it. I will check in a week to see if there is anything inside.I hope so, it will be fun to hand feed babies again. My new puppy "ARWEN" (a german shepherd)is getting so big. She is 8 weeks old and is already 14 pounds. YIKES she's doing to be big. The kids love her to pieces and she gets along great with our other dog "ADDIE". She is a lab/border collie. The rest of our crew consist of 2 cats (bubba and chassis) a rat named milkshake (don't ask) 3 fish tanks. 1 in the living room and 1 in each of the kids rooms. all for now.