Our first valentine's day

Feb 16, 2008 11:37

Our first valentine's day was a bit of a flop. I made him some dark chocolate peanut butter dinosaurs. In addition, I also made him a chocolate heart shaped box with cinnamon hearts inside and a cute card. We decided to do our valentines thing Friday since we both had to work Friday anyway (and my commute is doubled when I sleep at his place). The night started off fine. We went to yoga and then the grocery store. We were in separate cars because I was running late for yoga. He decided to get some laundry at work on the way home which was not a big deal. However, he was on the phone when he came in and talked to his X for another 15 minutes at least after he got here. Finally when he got off the phone, we started dinner. He did the cooking and I did the prep work with the shrimp - detailing. Dinner wasn't bad, but it was late by the time we ate. The best part was that I did not get any flowers! I did get a nice back rub before bed, but only because I asked for one. It was pretty much just like a normal day......I suspect our anniversary will be the same.... Now I don't want a big to do for valentine's day, but I do want to see a little special....
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