Yay laundry!

Sep 29, 2005 12:39

LOL yes I'm a bit insane. I'm actually really psyched. We got this cool thing called a washer/spinner from Freecycle (big thanks to dana_dreamer for picking it up for us)... and it's AWESOME. It doesn't hook up to the sink and it's not too-too loud. I fill it up myself either with a hose from the sink or 3 bucketfulls (I do the latter because in our crappy building, the hot water in our kitchen leaves something to be desired... but the bathroom hot water is hot)... it runs, I flip it to "EMPTY", and it drains, and then we stuff everything into the other side and smoosh it down, and turn on the spinner... and it spins the rest of the water out of everything... and it comes out practically dry! So I'm going to be doing at least a load a day for a while. I actually did my laundry in MY OWN APARTMENT, in MY OWN WASHER for the first time ever yesterday so that was actually kindof exciting (yes, I'm a geek.).

Update on work... not much to update... but... it's going ok. 10 workdays til we're actually answering phones... *cringe*
I told hubby I'm probably going to sign up for some overtime because they're offering incentives left-right-and-center... like... people are winning entertainment systems, televisions, gas-cards, etc. And they're paying double-time for overtime shifts you sign up for. Like holy crap.

Anyway. I'm gonna finish checking my email, and then go do a load of laundry before work, and put away the laundry from yesterday (which is hanging around my apt LOL). Talk to y'all later.
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