Nov 13, 2014 07:19
I have learned a lesson. YOu cannot remove the angst from Renji. It's impossible. (Well, not impossible, just really damned hard.)
Also, apparently I have awesome dreams that I can't remember. :( Unfortunately, my fiance told me I was talking in my sleep, and...well, the rest is way TMI, soooo...
NaNo is not going so well, but I expected that. At least I'm trying. I haven't completely given up. Though while I work on NaNo...I want to write other stuff ;__; Dammit! The ideas are getting pushed to the side for now. I should make a note of them somewhere.
Also, I should be fangirling over the Genius 10 OVA, particualily episode 2. I don't have the energy for fangirling at the moment. I did love the episode. Yay for little Renji and Data Pair fanservice! I was a little disappointed that they went and found a woman to voice young Renji though. Also...Akuto is a lot hotter animated than drawn. He's still more of a Jackass (yes, it needs to be capitalized) than all of Rikkai put together. He's like...pure concentrated Jackass-ery. (Yeah, I know, not a word). But he's hot, dammit. And apparently a rather bright spot in the angst of Renji.
Also, from both episodes, nice to see Ryoga again. I wonder if he's learned to PEEL an orange before he eats it. I also feel sorry for Yuuta (more for being stuck with first years in general than anyone specific, though I feel sorry for ANYONE stuck with Kin-chan.) And of course, I actually felt sorry for Akaya during the pillow fight, being the only one that got caught.
[anime] tenipuri,