(no subject)

Oct 02, 2011 21:13

I have the Japanese IME on Windows 7 on.

I have no clue how to actually use it/actuallyl write Japanese into a documant.. ;___; I can't figured out exactly which kana are stuck on which keys...seriously? It all seems very illogical to me. :/

Also, I have KanjiBox on my iPod and was using the demo of KanaDraw....They missed a small problem. On the writing the kana drill, it asked for hiragana "ri"...It marked me as incorrect and showed the correct answer as a katakana "ri". *sigh* That was sad. I emailed the developers about it. Also, it is way to sensitive to the little circles in the p* kana. If you don't draw them just right, it's not happy. It was mostly because I was making them a bit too big, or wasn't getting them closed enough at first. It's gotten a bit more used to my drawing on the screen.

wtf?!, random, rant

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