(no subject)

Jun 14, 2010 11:22

Ugh...Okay, I'm a bit worried and pissed at the same time. I ordered that Niou wig from some where in Hong Kong...and all the email confirming it said 5-7. It didn't specify weeks or days. I'm starting to think it meant weeks, since I ordered it on the 4th. I'll let the 7 weeks pass (even if it's after the convention), then I'll let PayPal deal with it.

So now I'm going to have to find a place a bit more reputable and hope they have 2-3 day shipping. :/

We did get the new costume today though, one day before it was expected. It's a bit different from the one I had previously. The shorts don't have the red logo stripe down the side, but they have POCKETS!! No, I don't know why the other ones didn't. The shirt fits me a lot better than the old one did, but we're still missing it, so Joey is wearing one of his darker shirts...at least he has the jacket and shorts.

But I'm still pissed about the wig.

Edit: Yes, I'm very pessimistic. I just checked on the order, and it's still "processing." :/ Unless some wonderful miracle happens...yeah, I'm not going to have it in time unless some huge miracle happens. Unfortunately, I just noticed that it can take up to 14 days...and 14 days will be on Friday when the convention starts. *sighs* I guess I'll just have to be Renji again. :(

random, rant

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