New Renji CD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

May 15, 2008 16:52

If this is not in my mailbox by June 6, I will start screaming. Though CD Japan is good about actually getting stuff overseas by/almost on the release date.

And is anyone else annoyed that they have actually stopped sending you to their Japanese website? It's like a fake link now. I ACTUALLY WANT TO SEE THE KANJI!! That's why I want to see the Japanese site. I can work around it, but it's annoying.

And speaking of kanji - track listing for his single:

1. 俺の日本海 (Ore no Nihonkai) (..."My Sea of Japan"?? WTF are you smoking?)
2. 俺の日本海 (Original Kareoke)
3. トークタイム~柳の髪型~ ("Talk Track ~Yanagi no Kamigata~") ....("Yanagi's Hairdo")

The talk track sends me into SUCH a giggle fit. At least we'll hear the reason for the crappy choice? I swear to any and all gods out there, if Takemoto gives me the reason I came up with in a fanfic, I am going to die Are you stalking me? Is KONOMI stalking me? I swear, I had Ren-ren pegged with some of his hobbies before 40.5 came out...

I am *sooo* hoping the cover art on Renji's CD is him in a kimono on cliffs by the sea now. ^.^'' ...Okay, that's taking Rikkai a bit *too* literally...

And of course I've seen Sanada's new CD by now. His talk track amuses me less, but still amuses me. "Notice of Delay"? That should be special. I'll order it if CD Japan doesn't reject my credit card again. (It's rejected it TWICE when I've tried to order these two CDs. I think I've just tried to order them when it was a bad time to do so.) Though I'm not exactly sure I want it...but maybe for the cover art...

Translation for songs will be after I can get in gear to do so, and of course have the CD in my hands. I'm sure someone else will translate Sanada's song. At least I hope so.


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