Title: What is Love? Part 1: Anne of Green Gables
Fandom: Anne of Green Gables
Characters: Anne Shirley (Blythe), Gilbert Blythe
Prompt: 81. How?
Word Count: 302
Rating: G
Summary: Analyzing the different ways a fan realizes the love between Anne and Gilbert.
Author's Notes: All characters belong to L.M. Montgomery. I'm planning on doing a series of these for the couples that I like in my different fandoms.
What is Love? Part 1: Anne of Green Gables
Haddaway asked, “What is love?” it is also the question all fans ask when choosing pairings within their fandom. Each couple brings a different answer.
Love is asking the board of trustees to change which school you have and she has so she can stay at home and still teach. Love is proposing multiple times. Love is the panic you feel when you hear he might die. Love is being jealous seeing him with another girl. Love is worrying while she walks a ridgepole. Love is your first real apology. Love is the fight between longing and snubbing. Love is feeling bad her bosom friend will not be going to Queens. Love is knowing her perfect house without her saying. Love is knowing her favorite flower when her boyfriend does not. Love is wearing his flowers instead of the ones your boyfriend gave you. Love is feeling depressed when he stops coming around. Love is how his name arouses emotions that no one else can. Love is realizing being with him is more important than “sunbursts or marble halls”. Love allows you to be a doctor’s wife, even as you watch him overwork himself. Love keeps you together after a miscarriage. Love is putting up with his great-aunt because he does not see what she has been doing. Love is an explanation which can fix any problem. Love is wanting a housekeeper after your wife has a tough pregnancy. Love is knowing the sound of his footsteps. Love is him not forgetting your anniversary and being aware of what you are wearing. Love is wanting each other to accomplish all his/her dreams. Love is knowing s/he’s the one. Love is not being able to be with anyone else.
Love is Anne and Gilbert.