Title: The Comforts of Home
Fandom: Hath Not a Jew
Characters: Tom Parkers, Paul Kearny
Prompt: 056. Kinky
Word Count: 367
Rating: PG
Warnings/Spoilers: Nothing shocking considering the prompt; it's actually quite tame.
I was laying on my back on the couch watching television when I heard the door shut.
“Tom?” I heard Paul call.
“Living room!”
Paul came in and laid on top of me, his head on my chest.
“Hey is everything okay?”
“People sucked today.”
I wrapped my arms around him.
“What happened?”
“We hired this new soux chef, and he saw my wedding band, and asked my wife’s name. I told him my husband’s name is Tom. He laughed and said legalizing gay marriage was a joke because everyone knows gays are incapable of staying faithful.”
“I don’t know that,” I offered. “I’m sorry you had to go through that.”
“I know we can be faithful. All I need is for us to do so. But I wish the rest of the population would have my faith.”
“I know. Me too honey. But, the media likes to portray the negative, and people eat it up. You would think with the infidelity in the heterosexual population, they wouldn’t care about us. People just want to find reasons to hate us.”
“Then hate us as individuals, not as a group,” Paul said, burying his face in my chest.
“But that would require getting to know all of us, and when they realize some of us aren’t half bad, there goes their fury.”
I stroked Paul’s hair a couple of times before quietly saying, “Who could hate you?”
I felt Paul move up as he adjusted himself so his face was in front of mine.
“I don’t know how Kevin cheated on you,” he said, and leaned down for a kiss.
“That’s why you’re my husband and he isn’t.”
“I thought it was so you could kiss me anytime you wanted.”
“Mm, well I think,” and I was interrupted as Paul kissed me. “That was your agenda.”
“Well it is fun to randomly kiss you.”
“It’s fun to kiss you.”
Paul lowered his head giving me a long kiss.
“Don’t pull away,” I begged.
“Honey, I’m on top of you. I know what you want.”
I couldn’t help but blush.
“You know I want it too,” he whispered in my ear. “But we can’t do it with clothes on.”