Jan 11, 2007 22:29
Well, I've been trying to hold out until I posted another update but I have so much free time at night this week since my gf isn't here. I know that this semester is our last semester with close contact for the next 2years at least because I'm graduating this spring, but I really have appreciated time alone. I haven't had it much for a while. I know she says I don't have to spend all of my free time with her...but uhm when she says that I know that I have free will and everything, but I also know the consequences. My free time would result in her not feeling loved, or something.
Anywoo, the relationship is going well and hopefully it stays well while we are apart save for visiting each other on various breaks.
In other news, I was accepted into Teach for America with a placement for teaching High School Biology in Newark, NJ. That's about 15-25 min from NYC, but less expensive. Sure property taxes etc may be high but...I'm not a resident and do not plan on investing in NJ property.
Rent ranges from 600-1100 for studios-1 bedroom instead of 900-1400 in NYC.
The TFA website says that beginning teachers salary is about $44,000 so that is one step in saving towards my huge undergraduate loans.
I found out that TFA is no longer partnered with Seton Hall for the masters program, only the teacher certification program. That means I wont get a 25% discount in addition to two Americorps awards of $4,725 each. Thus making my contribution only 7-8k for the 2 year program. At first I was largely disappointed especially because TFA's website AND acceptance notification packet still states that the masters option is available. It does not specifically say anywhere that it is not available as an reduced price option.
Oh well, I figure that I'd try to do it anyway. A large part of my doing the TFA program instead of going straight into a biology program is that I'd still get a masters that I can use in a field I am interested in without spending huge sums. I can try for a teachers loan forgiveness program if I teach for at least 5 years. I mean I owe a lot and at least for 2 years I would get loan defference so that means 3 years of repaying myself then I can be eligible for up to 17k being cancelled!!
Thing is that the program is an additional 2 years outside of original certification (1 yr) and I'd have to pay the cost myself (minus the Americorp award). Which is essentially like paying for a masters in Biology. For example UMO'S graduate tuition is under 6k a year. Seton Hall is 21k for the entire program, a bit more expensive even with Americorp (it is a private Uni.)
Ok, what else...
I'm still waiting to here back from NYCTF I hope they answer soon. I must accept/decline TFA by the 23rd (my due date, theirs is the 29th but they have a deadline as soon as the 26th so that's kind of weird but understandable).
The thing is even if NYCTF accepts me I probably wont accept them!
Well...I like nice people. TFA is extremely people friendly whereas NYCTF is extremely not. They both do great work though. Even though NYCTF caters only to NYC I know they have the same count or more applicants per enrollment season.
Also let's out weigh the pros and cons
NJ placement
H.S. Bio
4,725K per year (2)
Cheap rent (live alone)
Summer institute 5 wks 1 wk orientation
2,300 for certification class
Praxis II exams-$220
Salary (accrd to TFA site: 44k)
Gay friendly (has center and other things)
NJ Aquarium (1 hr away from Newark where I could volunteer and gain exp for future jobs)
Not sure if accepted yet so no information
Summer institute 7wks 2wks orientation
No americorp award
Exp. rent
No info on cert costs
Last/CST tests
Not sure on cost
Salary: 42k accrd to NYCTF site and NYCDE site
Gay friendly (Village)
Brnx Zoo, CI Aquarium
Masters program cost to me:9k
See, doesn't TFA seem better?
Yes a lot does boil down to cost.
I get to do a great job in either location. An opportunity to move up in either location.
Obtaining a masters I can teach in 2year colleges, obtain principal certification, go into management fields, etc. I would have relative exp. for many jobs that I am interested in.
Thats why I felt even just applying for these positions was a good opportunity.
Help yourself and others at the same time.
Honestly, it's hilarious. So many people told me to be a teacher while growing up. I always screwed up my face and said NO WAY, or something like that. Neat coincidence.