(no subject)

Apr 15, 2006 21:20

I'm going to california for 1 wk at the end of may.
How am I getting there????

GREYHOUND!!! 3+ days!!!!


I'm not just choosing it because the ticket is $258 (7days in adv.), or because I have a student discount card (not sure if it'll work on teh 7 day adv. ticket though), I'm also choosing it for sight seeing.

I'm going to get a film camera, take some photos of cali, friends in cali, then come back to maine and work and take classes on Appledore Island, for some Cornell Uni. credits (marine vertebratology, biological illustration, research in marine bio (for marine eco and field experience credits).

If I get all 14 credits this summer then after summer+fall semester I'll only need 5 more credits in order to graduate next fall.
How will I get those?
I'll take 2 classes (ASL, and some Psych. class/Physics) at a community college about 30mins away from Unity College.

What will I do after early graduation??


Well, I do have some ideas.
Take GRE's, and GRE subjects.
See if I can take the GMAT's for social science as well (to supplement the fact I'll only have a minor in gender studies)

Why do I want to go to grad school?
Because really no matter what job I want, I can usually automatically get paid more. EVEN IN A NON-PROFIT!!!

I want to work at GLSEN. I want to be a part of the movement that makes this society more livable, breathable for ALL people, and for all of nature!

I'll be graduating with a minor in gender studies, a certificate for Women in Environmental Leadership (more gender studies), a Bachelors in Environmental Biology AND Marine Biology!!!

I have tons of highschool, college years, and should post college experience in working for Youth and oppressed communities and nature.

Are my dreams being realized?
Nature and Social issues are mine.
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