(no subject)

Nov 17, 2004 14:47

A - Age: 20
B - Bra Size: 36c my sister says I am a double D LOL
C - Career in future: Director of Music Videos
D - Dad's name: Tony
E - Easiest person to talk to: Kim
F - Favorite song at the moment: My BOO, and Burn
G - Guy/Girl you're madly in love with: lets not go there!
H - Hometown: Deltona, FL
I - I'd like to own: a chevy 2002 ls cope sport, and ,my own house.
J - Job title: best friend
K - Kids: not yet
L - Longest car: P.O.S
N - Number of people you've slept with: do you mean sleep next to because there is ALOT.
O - Oldest sibling: Kim Luedeck
P - Phobia[s]: being alone
Q - Quote you like: "the hardest part about this world is living, so live for me."
R - Right hand or left: Right
S - Song at the moment: caught up
T - Time you wake up:6:30
U - Unknown fact about me: I am afraid of sex.
V - Vegetable you hate: green beans
W - Worst habit: falling in love with my best friend
X - X-rays you've had: never
Y - Yummy food: taco bell
Z - Zodiac sign: Libra

[So, what makes you so special?]
1] What is your first and middle name? Alicia Anne
2] Why did your parents name you these names? I really dont know
3] Where is your birthmark at? um my lip.
4] Do you even know why you have one of these? I don't know!
5] What is your one weird ability [C‘mon, everyone has one]? I can make anyone be my friend
6] Describe your “style” when it comes to what you wear: anything cumphy
7] Do you eat something that everyone else thinks is gross?sour cream and mushrooms

[Getting an edumacation]
21] What school do you attend? APSU
22] How many students go there with you? um probably alot of people
23] What grade are you in? I am almost a sophmore in college by credits
24] What do you like about going to school? people interaction
25] Favorite class: tv pro
26] What college/university are you going to afterward? I started at HCC but I am going to APSU now
27] Name a couple majors you are interested in: Art, tv pro, buisness
28] What degree are you aiming at earning? associates in the arts

[Living quarters]
29] Do you live at home with your parents? No
28] Is your room big? don't have one
29] What size is your bed? twin at manda and chris's
30] What color are the walls? see through
31] Do you have any animals in there? yeah stuft, and huney
32] Are you in your bedroom most of the time? only when me and james go to bed
[Your cup of tea]
33] What is your all time favorite band? LINKEN PARK,HOOBASTANK
34] Why so? they are the best
35] Do you prefer Jay Leno or Conan O’Brien? LENO
36] What are three things that you are obsessed with? Buffy, James, movies
37] What is your favorite CD at the moment? usher
38] What celebrity do you think is the cutest? ashton cutcher and Orlando Bloom
39] What’s the last really good movie you have seen? The Grudge
40] When’s the last time you cried during a movie? lord of the rings 3
[Working your ass off]
41] Do you have a job? No
42] Where do you work at? the corner of Main and 1st
43] What do you do there? Provide a public service
44] How long have you been working at this place? as long as I can remember
45] Do you see yourself working there for a while? Yes

last kiss: James "and it was good"
last cigarette: umm last night at the barricks with James
last good cry: umm friday night
last library book checked out: GHOST STORIES
last movie seen in a theatre: the Grudge
last cuss word uttered:mo freacker
last beverage drank: Sunny D
last food consumed: Pizza
last phone call: Amanda
last tv show watched: the Nanny
last shoes worn: my leather slip ons
last cd played: Usher "confessions"
last item bought: white T-shirts for my nephew
last thing downloaded: "Whiskey Lullabye"
last annoyance: lack of sleep and romance
last disappointment: not being loved, by the guy I am inlove with.
last soda drank: Diet pepsi
last ice cream eaten: does ice count?
last time trippin on drugs?: Saturday, but they were all legal
last time in love: well?
last time hugged: last night from Jesse
last shirt worn:white blouse I have on
last time dancing: the other night in my living room with my neice to usher.
1. What do you most like about your body? my eyes
2. And least? being fat
3. How many fillings do you have? 0
4. Do you think you're good looking? It depends on the day.
5. Do other people tell you that you're good looking? yes


First job: Papa Johns
first screen name: sweetgirlz73
First funeral: Grandmother
First pet: Happy my golden retriever
First piercing: my ears
First Kiss: Aaron Keller when I was 15.
First Lust: Keron Tan in 5th grade
First love:David Fuller
First enemy: Leslie Johnson
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