Title: Persevere Rating: PG Pairing/Characters: Ron/Hermione Genre: Drama Word Count: 915 Summary: Hermione’s job as Minister of Magic begins to take a toll on her. A/N: Creating in an attempt to keep sane.
I did a double take when I saw this--you're posting again! I'm so glad to see it! I like your Minister of Magic!Hermione a lot better than the Cursed Child version, I have to admit. And I love that you brought in MACUSA and the stuff we learned in Fantastic Beasts. I enjoyed reading!
I love this! I LOLed at the Americans' electing a numpty as president. Very timely. I loved how Ron cares for Hermione and always will have her back. Beautiful story! :)
I've been wallowing in the bad news since November. Yesterday was a bad day, so I needed to deal with it as only we writers can. Ron and Hermione are always good at cheering me up. Thanks for reading, dear!
Comments 4
I did a double take when I saw this--you're posting again! I'm so glad to see it! I like your Minister of Magic!Hermione a lot better than the Cursed Child version, I have to admit. And I love that you brought in MACUSA and the stuff we learned in Fantastic Beasts. I enjoyed reading!
Yesterday was not a good day (every day seems to be getting worse) so this was one way to deal with that. I'm glad you enjoyed it! :)
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