Title: Little Brothers
Rating: G
Pairing/Characters: Ron, Rose, and Hugo
Genre: Fluff/ Gen
Word Count: 410
Summary: Rose wonders what Hugo's first birthday will bring.
Written for
ginchy, who asked for a story about Hugo's first birthday.
Rosie eyed her brother curiously as he sat in his high chair. His face was covered in yucky green goo that looked a lot like dragon bogies. He looked up from the small yellow dish in front of him, then broke into a wide, mostly-toothless smile when he noticed her. She didn't smile back. Instead she narrowed her eyes and looked more closely at him. People were always saying how cute the baby was, but she didn't see it. When he wasn't red and screaming, he was covered in some kind of mess. And most of the time he smelled funny. There was nothing cute about that.
"Rosie," Daddy said as he walked in with a damp blue flannel. "What are you doing?"
"Is it really Hugo's birthday?" she asked, blurting out the issue foremost in her mind.
"Yes," he said, as he gently wiped the green slime from Hugo's cheeks. "We're going to have a party at the Burrow with a big chocolate cake and all your cousins. Doesn't that sound like fun?"
Rosie nodded reluctantly. It did sort of sound like fun.
"Will he get lots of presents?"
"Of course," Daddy said. "What's a birthday without presents?"
"It'll be boring baby toys, though, won't it?" Rosie said sadly.
"Probably. Hugo is a baby, you know."
He turned around, placing the flannel on the tray in front of Hugo. "Yes, Rosie?"
She tugged on the bottom of her skirt. "Will Hugo be able to play with me now?"
"I don't think he can play like you play with Al or your other cousins just yet. But soon."
"When, Daddy?"
He smiled. "He already crawls after you. He wants to play with you, but he's still too small. Just wait; soon he'll be following you everywhere. You won't be able to get rid of him. He loves you, Rosie."
She looked dubiously at her little brother. He gave her another gummy smile when she looked at him, and a smile involuntarily spread across her own face. She supposed he could be rather cute sometimes.
"Now go to your mummy. You have to put on your new dress for Hugo's party."
"Okay, Daddy," Rosie said, grinning as he swept her into his arms and gave her a kiss.
He set her down on her feet, and she ran upstairs to her mommy. Even though it was Hugo's birthday, Rosie couldn't help but feel excited about what was yet to come.