gratitude du jour!

Oct 24, 2007 12:32

i am grateful for...

* waking up an hour late...even though it made me turn into a frenzied mess getting ready for work and packing for ct, i feel a bit more refreshed and as though i'm on my way to recovery from sleep deprivation. apparently i really needed that extra hour

* my job...lots of people are losing theirs at work right now, and i'm insanely grateful that i still have mine...cause if i didn't there would be major issues

* i'm getting my hair done today! no more blonde! yay!

* i have a wicked cool costume for halloween! a general rule i'm not allowed to bend over to get anything at all on saturday...

* knowing my shit about always feels good when you have a random person call up, and drill you and say pretty much everything offensive about your office and you can hold your own. yay brownie points from the bosses for doing so!

that's it for right now, the atmosphere in the office is kind of down since liz is now gone...i'm going to miss her :(

i guess i should gear myself up for a load of work to be thrown my way since the seminar is coming up soon and it's just nikki upstairs...i'm always glad to help, but sometimes it gets to be overwhelming and hard to handle all at once...
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