Sheeple - blame the bear

Jul 22, 2009 15:18

Morality meme...

1. Would you commit murder for hire if a ridiculous amount of money were involved?

2. Would you allow a child to die if it meant 5 other adults could live?
Nope. Can see the logic in this, but would probably go for the kid, and expect the adults to protect themselves. My mommy gears would overwhelm logic. I have a hard drive to protect the innocent and helpless. If the adults were incapable of protecting themselves due to mental deficit or something, then it'd be a toss up.

3. Would you mug an old lady if you were starving and on the street for money to buy food?
Nope, but I am not above panhandling, or begging.

4. Do you believe sex should be saved for marriage?
um... not according to my pants.

5. Do you believe it is ok to have multiple sexual partners at once?
Yup, if everyone is open and honest.

6. Do you believe in the death penalty?
Yes, would be happy to pull the switch in some cases.

7. Do you believe in any type of righteous justification to take the law in to your own hand, if a family member was hurt by someone for example?
Yup. If someone ever rapes or brutally beats my child their life is forfeit if I can manage in any way to get to them. Seven years in jail seems a reasonable price to pay for taking them off the planet.

8. A stranger is walking down the street and drops his wallet but doesn't realize it. No one is around. What do you do?
Hey duffus, you dropped your wallet.

9. Have you stolen anything in the last 12 months?
Nope. Took some wilting veggies out of Clay's fridge so they wouldn't rot and plan to put them in a soup. (he is in washington taking a class) Don't think that is stealing though, but I didn't ask first. Clay do you mind that I pinched your wilting celery?

10. Would you steal candy from a baby?
LOL, depends on whether or not you are talking about a Halloween stash. Have to admit that when the kid was tiny, I felt no qualms about pinching the occasional snickers bar from her Halloween stash.

11. Should marriage be between 1 man/1 woman?
Um okay, and 1 woman/ and 1 woman, and 1 man/ and 1 man, and 2 women/ and 1 man. etc... on and on.

12. Abortion?
Glad it's legal. For me would be murder.

13. Should religion be a part of society?
It's an important aspect of life for many, so why not.

14. Do you squish bugs just because they are bugs?
Roaches yes. Ants, usually. Spiders I like, they eat baby roaches and ants.
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