New Book Challenge 2008 - 8/52 - Review - Anne of Green Gables

Jan 31, 2008 08:56

Book 8 of my new books challenge. The list, as always, is here

I'd heard of Anne before, but had never had the chance to pick her up. So when I was looking through Audiobooks to try, I decided to give it a shot. Alas, that didn't work out becuase of trying to listen in the wrong places (walking to work through traffic, and in bed whilst very weary). So when I went to the book shop to pick up some books to prevent myself spending all night on the Interwebs whilst ill. I picked this one up, and I have to say I really enjoyed reading of all of Anne's adventures, her ups and downs, her triumphs and her disasters. I suppose the best indicator of the fact that I really enjoyed this book is the fact that tonight I plan on getting the next one out from library...

So expect to see either Anne of Avonlea or Pride and Prejudice as my next new book.
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