save me

Apr 27, 2009 14:20

Have you ever had a dream that  really really changes the way you think about someone, at least for a day? And maybe, if you write it all down, it doesn't seem like it would be a good dream but it was? I had a dream like that last night. If I hadn't had to get up at 4 in the morning I wouldn't even remember it.

I was reading, but I was also the people in the story I was reading. It was a lord of the rings book, but none of the characters were the characters from the actual books. We were dead. Or some of the people were dead. We were all in a house. Brian owned this house. (Brian is my boss, well no, not really. He's my... semi boss. He's a GSTL, which means that when your a cashier you have to listen to him. Otherwise, I have very little contact with him. He has really long hair, he's pretty cool, he goes to UTSA, and he's probably...22-23ish) So we're all in this house, and it's almost like it's a party. And Brian is the host. Then, outside I see Bunny (bunny who dated Jesse not bunny who was once the treasurer of the Japanese club) and I know without question that she is dead. Sort of a ghost I guess, but in the dream this is no surprise. It's as if she has been dead a long time, and in the dream it's just common knowledge. Then, as I/the character is watching, her boyfriend arrives, and I am meant to understand that he has just died, and is joining her. All of a sudden there are lots of dead people on the porch. I go to find out what happened to bunny's boyfriend. He explains that he essentially killed himself, with pills, in a bloody scene, after which his brother and family took him to the hospital. He and Bunny scoff at the brother interfeering, that it's none of his business if the boy wanted to kill himself. I object, I say that it's wrong to think that way, that when people you love are doing harmful things sometimes it becomes your business. This upsets the dead people. Now they are almost like zombies. Suddenly everyone is trying to break into the party, and I/the character am trying to fight my way back through the dead people and into the house. After this I am not really the character anymore, I am just watching her. Something happens that I dont remember now, but the zombies do something mean to the character, and she leaves, determined to go to the after life after she says goodbye to her mother one more time. Now it is like I am reading a book. Brian reappears, and he is looking for this girl character. He finds out what has happened to her/me and he says something strange, he said something like, "Someone has hurt someone very kind, and now she has gone away." Now the character/me is more like Bella from Twilight. She goes home to say goodbye to her mother, only the home is my home. Brian and someone else, a ghost, come to the house determined to stop the character from going to the afterlife. I see Brian. He convinces her to stay.
I wake up at 3:59, one minute before my alarm goes off.
I guess I wanted to write down this dream because of the impression it made. It wasn't what you would think would be a good dream, but its the best one i've had in ages.  Like reading a compelling story.I kept thinking about it all day at work. And I kept thinking of Brian. Who I don't even know very well. In the dream we felt like friends.
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