Oct 11, 2004 20:53
OK, so I didn't get my stitches out today. The dentist took a look at me and said he's just going to let them come out on their own, which is fine for me considering just the thought makes me want to vomit. Well anyways, I'm still in like so much pain it's crazy! I'm popping vicodin after vicodin and nothing is helping! But let's look on the bright side, tomorrow will hopefully be better considering what it is, although I think my friends in Tampa are going to forget. Sarah has to work this weekend so I'm not going to be able to make it to Gainesville, which really really sucks. Oh and my roomate is being an a-hole. She just informed me that her boyfriend doesn't think it's such a good idea to have the apartment anymore, so I get to move back home. It's not so bad, I miss home anyways. ::Sigh::.......