Tweets for Today

Feb 06, 2009 21:01

  • 22:40 damn I can't find a video clip I need :( #
  • 07:20 snow day for me! Just waiting to hear about the kids' school #
  • 09:36 well kids are at school but it is grim. Originally said shutting at 4. Now say 2, but that may change. I skidded on the way home :( #
  • 10:07 just had call from school. They are now closing. #
  • 10:11 @ sarahhorrigan yeah. At 7.30 they said they would close at 4. When I dropped them off at 8 they said 2 but would review if necessary #
  • 10:12 @ willowfae they are just about the only school in MK open #
  • 10:28 @ sarahhorrigan apparently the police are starting to go around shutting the H and V roads #
  • 10:31 @ weebly_one - It's getting ridiculous isn't it? #
  • 10:32 @ sarahhorrigan they are just about the only school in MK open #
  • 10:41 @ Weebly_one Dale has just gone to collect the kids as their school has now closed. Can't chill though - kids not old enough for that :( #
  • 11:57 @ bbc5live stopped snowing in MK but apparently police are closing main roads until they can get more grit down #
  • 13:54 @ Schofe I think it was a great idea! I was just disappointed that I was at home all day and didn't get a chance to say it to anyone :) #
  • 14:51 I know the kids are at home home but I should be doing something productive. Don't think listening to Les Miz with my 4 year old counts! #
  • 14:57 great! Another school production falls victim to the snow. I feel so bad for the students when they have worked so hard. :( #uksnow #
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