Tried out a new music club this afternoon - Kindermusik. It was good, but I'm going to try out one more (Jo Jingles) this week before we decide on which one to take him to regularly.
I was quite surprised with how well behaved he was. He had his moments when he decided he didn't want to sit with the others and that the train painted on the wall was more interesting (it was held in one of the rooms in our mall creche), but he enjoyed playing with the scarfs and dancing with them, along with playing with the cymbal and triangle. He even mastered dynamics!
Me: be gentle, Harry
Harry: *hits cymbal so gently that it makes practically no sound*
Me: now get louder
Harry: *gradually starts to hit it harder and harder thereby demonstrating a nice crescendo*
As a little treat because he was so good we went to early learning centre and bought him a
dinosaur. This was a great hit and he didn't want to put it down. When we got home he ran up the front path clutching it and holding it out in front of him calling "Daddy, Daddy", only to get disappointed that Daddy wasn't home to show the dinosaur to. When we got in he promptly crawled into his play tent fort which we have up at the moment, with said dinosaur, and crawled back out still clutching it along with the cuddly T-Rex we bought him back from New York.
So we now have a T-Rex and a Brachiosaurus (the plastic ones are very helpful and say on the bottom what they are). I'm pleased that he has made the connection between one dinosaur and another one, although he did make them kiss each other so he may not have dinosaurs completely sussed!
On another note, I've just watched the pilot episode of "Close to Home" on Living TV. Pretty good I thought :)