So I went to the doc. Looks like it is a cervical disc problem. I will know later today when they call with the results from my MRI. It sucks, but it's way better than it could've been, so I am grateful. still in lots o' pain despite the anti-inflam she gave me. But it does seem to be better than it was yesterday, and I did sleep last night, so that is a well and a right.
Big news: I went to Alice's last night and SKUNKED her in the X-Men fighty game. Heh. It was so well. I scored sooo big. :) OK, ok, so we only fought two matches and then she diverted our attention elsewhere so that I could revel in my victory b/c she is such a well friend, but I can still gloat. But the gloat comes with the well-friend disclaimer. She also did a well job of taking my mind off my own mortality. My mind wanders there from time to time. So anywho, thanks Al.
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