Nov 13, 2002 10:09
"Conversations with Dead People" was one of those eps where you have to go off alone and think about it for awhile before you can do anything else. I even skipped my 8:00 show so that I could do just that. Fear not, we taped it. Gasp--what a great show. I love it. I am completely in love with that show. Sigh. I am trying really hard this season to stay clean--no spoilers. Last year I knew everything at least 4 eps in advance. It was a relief knowing that Tara was going to die and having time to prepare for it, but it does kind of take something away. So this year I am on a mission to remain unspoiled. Very difficult when I have all these great spoiler pages in my Favorites. I must be strong. Strong like an Amazon. Ok, enough about Buffy before I lose myself completely in fiction. Oh but just let me say that that ep was an English major's dream. Oh the essay fodder...ok. I will shut up about it now.
Oh yeah--so remember a few months back when I had to go to the ER for my stupid hand and I griped and said that I would somehow get a bill for it despite the fact that it was reported to workman's comp? Yep. Got a bill yesterday. I hate never being wrong. ;) Don't think I won't be plopping that sucker into the mgr at BBB's lap. And speaking of overdue medical bills, three days ago I got a bill from the ER from TWO YEARS AGO (to the day) when I got bit by a dog. We had long settled everything with the dog owners' insurance and they were supposed to pick up all the bills involved. So why TWO YEARS LATER is this being sent to ME? And could someone be so kind as to explain why, in this day of technological advancements, can hospitals not figure out how to bill people in a timely fashion? TWO YEARS????????????????? What the... Frustrating. Aggravating. Infuriating. And other adjectives as well, ad nauseum.
And while we are on the subject of things medical, my neck is KILLING me for no explicable reason. I can't move my head much at all. When I am driving and have to check my blind spot, well let's just say we all should be praying that no one is there. Insert more annoying type adjectives here. argh. I have a million things to do today on this my off day. So off I go to do them. With a stiff neck. blech.
pop culture,