Dec 19, 2008 13:38
Well, I have just finished another semester. That makes 11 semesters down, just 3 more to go. I can however, finally start taking it easy. I have met all my actual requirements for my major and just need to get enough credit hours to graduate, which is now scheduled to be in May 2010. I am definitely feeling a bit burned out, but being that I have about a month and a half until the next semester starts will give me enough of a break that I will once again look forward to classes.
Looking back on this past year, I am feeling a bit philosophical at the moment. It has been a very rough year, with many good things as well as lots of stresses, particularly as the year comes to a close. But I think many sides of my life are starting to calm a bit. This coming year will see the changes that have been coming start to truly manifest in some amazing ways. I am resisting the urge to say that "this or that will definitely happen". The truth is that no one knows what these changes mean or how they will happen. I just know that change IS coming. And it isn't just about the election, either. I believe that is just one of the realms in which the change is effecting. Big things are shifting, bigger than just one country or even one man. The incoming administration is just one aspect of it, not its entirety.
2008 has been the storm tossing a ship, making everyone wonder if they would even survive the tumult. I firmly believe that the coming year will find the storm cleared, the ship settled onto calmer waters and the passengers looking upon a new and wondrous landscape. Will it happen early in the year? I don't know. Somehow I think we are still in the storm and it may get worse before it gets better. But my sense is that, when it does end, it will be a sudden shift, making people wonder as they suddenly realize that the boat is no longer tossing.
They will mourn, as they had gotten used to the tossing and turning and it will take some adjustment to re-find your balance. But, it will be so worth it when we all look around and see the new horizon.
Blessed Sailing!