This is what the hamster (Lenny) doing the drinking looks like...
No I'm kidding.... But hes pretty cute if you can get past the blur. I need a new digital camera. Definately. But so we got done taking the pictures and i put him in my lap to sit at the computer and talk to people and now he's asleep. My baby hamster is asleep in my lap and its so cute. He's got his head hid under my shirt and of course his butt is hanging out. They are so tiny when they are babies.
Sick, still. But this time with a cold. But I'm on the uphill slope. I miss everyone back home. This place is a little lonley, though I had the most fun I've had here last weekend... lots of booze and dancing involved. I blame christian and Kristina. It was Kristina's birthday and Christian kept buying the drinks. Oye... but it was fun.
I have class on monday so we'll see how I did on my paper. the prof is a bit evil, but we'll see.
So I'm discovering I'm a pansy. It really upsets me every time I hear that another person has died in Iraq. It just makes me sooooooooo angry and makes me want to cry. I want it all to be over. I don't want anyone I know to be over there, I want them to come back. I want my friends who are headed over there to come home safe.
Alright, Lenny is waking up, I gotta go.