really, sometimes I AM rather stubborn

Apr 18, 2008 11:37

In a devastating twist, it snowed yesterday - a mere two days after I'd done a 4 mile walk in a tank top and capris sweating my butt off.  It didn't snow at my apt in abq, but it was flying all over up in Santa Fe and I imagine the top of the mountain down here got some too - I just wasn't here to see it.

Our horseback ride with our guests at work got cancelled - I was terribly bummed about that.   I'd been looking forward to it all week.
Last night was girl's night and when the waitress ignored the initial request to put us all on separate checks and charged us an automatic 20% tip our group "leader" was less than enthused.  I went to pay my $12 (10 + 20%) when the gal with the check(the leader and a friend of mine) said I owed $17 - I said "why?"   She took the $21 tip and split it into 3 parts.  I said "that's way more than 20% for me!"  "Yeah, but it's just easier."   I should not have let it go.  I'm still rather pissy about it.  I paid a 70% tip on my food.  I bust my ass to make every penny I earn, and I set aside the $ to go out to these girl's night out events so I can see my's almost the only time I ever go out socially and actually spend $.  I live on one income with no one else to rely on, no outside support and I never ask other people to buy me food or let me borrow $.   $12 would have been my absolute fair share but instead I ended up paying some of the other people's tips.  Am I wrong to be totally pissed about this?   I should've dug my heels in and refused - that's $5 less I can spend on groceries next week.  Considering that I spent $10 for groceries last week and about $25 this week - next week isn't gonna look too good.  *grumble*

Anyway, as to the actual stubborn reference.  It's warmer again today but still on the chilly side - and I refuse to sit inside - so i'm squeezing to the far east end of my balcony in what little sunlight hits here so I can keep a little warm.  :)
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