ladyatreil tagged me, and I do try never to turn down a direct request.
name five guilty pleasures.
1: Survivor. Boy is this one guilty. I shouldn't like it. I know I shouldn't like it. but I do. Mostly I mock how stupid they are, but I still watch it.
2: Comics. no wait, I'm not guilty about that. Oh wait. I am. Comics. HI my name is Willow, and I'm a comic addict. IT's been ...uhm... four days since I last -bought- a comic and about four seconds since I last read one.
3: Having arguements with other people (real people) inside my head. if I dont' actualy talk to them, I generaly end up loosing anyway, but I do get to say what I needed to say, instead of getting angry and clamming up or bursting into tears. Not that I don't still shout alot. It is, in a word; stupid.
4: Hot Pockets/Cup of soup. They aren't food. I know they aren't food. I eat them anyway. Generaly with Coke.
5: PuzzlePirates. I avoid it, but every now and then I can hear it's siren call, dragging me back to the worth of carp and bilges.
Then you tag five other people to do it.
Okay, I tag uhm...
bigjoesgirl paltrymelody aaaaand....
gomichan(I'd do
ladykittian but I don't think she has internet this month. I'd do my mother, but she so wouldn't get it.)