The Netherlands aren't so bad. ;P

Jul 22, 2010 19:41

The results are in, and I have won second place in genhp_ldws.

Congrats go out to miramiraficfic, who wrote a wonderful, interesting drabble this week (and in previous weeks) and totally deserved the win.

I'm satisfied with how things turned out. I never believed that I was going to make it to the final. I had expected to be voted out in the first few weeks, but I hung in there. I won Mod's Choice four times, won the weekly challenge once, and made it all the way to the final. It was a very pleasant surprise, especially since I rarely wrote gen!fic before I signed up to do this. Despite weeks where I got bad scores and thought for sure I was going to be voted out, I think this experience has helped me to be a bit more confident about my writing.

I got the opportunity to expand my horizons by writing gen. I wrote from the perspectives of several characters that I had never written before, such as Snape, James, Sirius, and Lily. At least two of my drabbles were written in a different tense than I typically write in. I think that participating in this competition helped me to grow as a writer, and I was very grateful for the opportunity to try something new.

I'd like to thank pili204 and miss_daizy for organizing such a fun competition. I think it was a great success, and I enjoyed it very much!

Special thanks go out to shiiki, mollywheezy, and queenb23more for their beta help. I was so grateful for your helpful suggestions.

I'd also like to thank those of you who voted, especially if gen!fic isn't what you normally enjoy reading. It meant a lot to me to have you supporting me week after week even if you didn't know which drabble was mine until after. :P


Thirty Days of HP Meme. Day 16 -- How have you participated in the fandom over the years?

I've been a fan of the series since 2003. I visited sites like Mugglenet after the release of OotP and read HP news and editorials leading up to the release of HBP. I started reading and writing fan fiction in the fall of 2005. A year later in fall of 2006, I became a prefect at Checkmated. Several months later, I was promoted to Head Girl at Checkmated. My participation, as you can see, is largely in the fan fiction realm of fandom. I even conducted a study of R/Hr shippers for my Master's thesis, which I'm sure you're sick of hearing about.


My weekend is already here, but I hope you all have a wonderful Friday. Love you all! *hugs*

fests and challenges, 30 days of harry potter meme

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