Jun 30, 2010 22:22
This weekend, The Last Airbender arrives in theaters...and we all hope for it to not suck.
If you have no idea what I'm talking about, then you probably haven't seen the awesome Nickelodeon animated series. Netflix has the first season available to watch instantly, which you should go do. But I should probably mention that the TV series is called Avatar: The Last Airbender. (Hmm, why couldn't they call the movie Avatar? Someone else must be camping on the title.)
Anyway, I propose a group outing, either to be entertained, or to witness the horror. Either way, it's more fun with a group. Apparently everything is in 3D now (when did that trend start?), so there seem to be only a handful of local theaters showing it. (Something about another movie opening this weekend. Toilet? Tie-Dye? I forget.)
My opening suggestion is the Century Theater in Boulder at 8:50pm on Friday. Should be late enough to draw fewer kids, and allow time to grab food before, potentially. This is open invite, so bring anyone you want. And if anyone would like to suggest a different time/date/location, please comment below.