stupid sonia, thinking that her 3000 word essay was due next week, this sparked a lot of other events into action...but here's how she found out she was wrong!!
- she KNOWS that her SCI199 field report #2 is due on the 8th.
- for some unknown reason, she thinks that her UNI250 3000 word essay is due the monday after, which makes it the 13th.
- she has many events coming up, and she also has a terrible memory. so to help clear things up, she printed out a calender.
- when putting events on the calender (due dates, birthdays, club dates...) she checks her notes to confirm that her UNI250 essay IS due on the 13th.
- in fact, it says 20th.
- woohoo!! she thinks, she's got an extra week!!
- but then while putting other events in, she forgets what today's date is. so she checks her computer clock.
- however, because of the skin she is using, the date is NOT highlighted.
- but she knew it was wrong cos it says "nov 1st", and clearly, it's not that. she's not that stupid.
- so she checks her phone, which says "nov 14th".
- she puts events on the calender, then realizes "ah crap", she DOESN'T have an extra week (if today's the 14th).
- so she also changes her comp clock to that date.
- however, since she set her clock one week ahead, her anti virus thinks its virus definitions are outta date, even when it JUST updated.
- she is pissed.
- she tries to fix the anti virus, but it doesn't work.
- she then gets the feeling that today may NOT be the 14th afterall.
- SHE CHECKS ON THE INTERNET. (woohoo for the internet, for sonia wouldn't even know the date without it.)
- she celebrates!!
- she then realizes that if she KNEW her SCI199 field report is due tomorrow, on the 8th (see statement #1), that it COULDN'T have been the 14th today.
- she feels dumb, but is happy anyways.
- and she lives happily ever after, until the night of 19th, when she still has 2999 words to go on her UNI250 essay.
in other news!! sonia got curly/wavy hair!! (she was playing around with her frd's hair iron thingy). her frd erin thought it would be VERY FUN to do half of her head wavy and the other half curly. yes. thank god it was 3am when she went back to her room so no one was in the hallway to see her wacky hairdo.
see?? curly on the right and wavy on the left!! it doens't look so bad here but trust me, it looks really weird in real life. also, it's 7 degrees in toronto, i'm wearing a string top. strange? no. it's commonly known that it's always 100+ times hotter indoors because of central heating.