Grey's Anatomy Icons

Nov 22, 2010 14:39

This is my Grey's Anatomy claim for fandom365days. If you haven't checked this community out yet, you should do so. You can claim up to three things of your choosing at a time. The claims can pretty much be anything you want (as long as it isn't a current claim for someone else) and icon. You just have to make 100 icons in 365 days. My claims are Vampires, Willow and Spike, and Grey's Anatomy. :)

--credit willow_lives
--comments are always appreciated
--please, do not alter


Grey's AnatomyWaterAlonePainDarkSomeday

Because It's WrongHurtEvilFacelessAnxious

Leaf on the WindSurpriseHiddenLesson LearnedPassion


















Alone AltLeaf on the Wind AltLeaf on the Wind Alt2Leaf on the Wind Alt3Suprise Alt1

Suprise Alt2 Surprise Alt3???

365 claims, mcsexie, meredith grey, mcsteamy, icons

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