I Think I figured out why the Director chose to block the last scene in 4.10 that way

Nov 24, 2008 14:27

These are some thoughts I just had, and they may not make a lot of sense to most people but I just needed to get them out of my head... Under the cut as they deal with 4.10.

It just hit me when I was looking at a pic-spam of the scene. You have The Boys sitting together on the Impala and Dean is telling this horrifying story of his time in hell. and Sam is in the background. For a good chunk unfocused. I think the director did this to show that Sam and Dean are in two different places here. Dean is facing fully away from Sam; and while Sam does turn his head toward Dean a few different times he never turns the rest of his body. They are on two separate planes (imagine a graph) that (I think technically) would never intersect.

So while yes they physically inhabit the same space; emotionally I think the director was trying to tell us that they are continuing to follow divergent paths. And that is why Sam doesn't reach out and comfort Dean, because while physically he could, emotionally (which is how Dean needs the comfort) he wouldn't ever reach him.

I think this makes sense. At least it does in my mind...

sam, spn s4, dean, oh boys, thinky thoughts, fandom: supernatural, episode thoughts

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