I definitely plan to re-watch all of these episodes again and I'll probably end up 'reviewing' several more individual episodes. But I think I'll probably lump 3 or 4 together for the overall 'These are my thoughts'. Maybe on a weekly basis. I'll cut them for anyone on my f-list who may be less then interested.
So I didn't think I was going to like this episode, it starts off kind of slow. And with the addition of the Cassie character... I wasn't sure where TPTB were taking it. But I found myself pleasantly surprised, by the end the pace had picked up and I found myself kind of cheering for Cassie. But what really got me in this episode was Jim and Blair's interactions throughout.
♥ When they first get to the crime scene and see the body I think Brown is there and makes some off-the-cuff comment about 'Are you sure Blair can handle it?' and Jim is right there backing him up. Having faith that; yeah, he can do it. He's strong. But he turns to Blair and quietly reminds him to breathe. And you can just tell that if Blair wanted to step back at this point and say 'Ok, I'm done. No more for me thanks.' Jim would have been ok with it. He'd have figured out a way that Blair would never have to see another dead body.
♥ Then just after they find the M.E. bound and gagged and they are running after the guys that did it Jim notices that one of them has a detonator and they've rigged it to go off. The first thing Jim does, is make sure Blair is behind him against the wall shielded and sheltered from any possible flying debris. Then after Jim 'checks in' with Blair. Asks him if he's ok, like he knew that he'd done everything he could to make sure he'd stay out of danger but there's always a possibility, so he just wanted to make sure. Jim did something similar in an earlier episode, he had accidentally knocked into Blair (maybe with a door?) and he like put his hand on Blair's head to physically make sure he was ok. It's those little things that really cement their friendship/relationship to me.
♥ At another point they are in Simon's office and Jim is getting antsy to leave and Simon calls him on it. Jim admits he has a dinner date and Blair says he also has plans. I kind of wanted Simon to roll his eyes and make some sort of 'finally they've gotten their shit together and are doing something about all the freakin' tension...' gestures.
I don't know why but this episode felt like a 'turning point' in the dynamic between Jim and Blair. Meh, probably just me.
I need to find some new (to me) pictures of All my Pretties. I'm also contemplating doing a 'ship manifesto for Jim and Blair (I've seen it done for other pairings and they always manage to 'sway' me when it comes to better understanding sympathising with the pairing)