So I'm at my parents house for the evening helping to get ready for my sisters visit. Apparently my mommy loves me she bought me two really (as in abso-freakin-lutely) adorable hippy/pesant tops at Kohl's. Hubby and I were listening to the radio while we ate a late supper and 'Long Way Home' by SuperTramp came on. I'm almost certain that this song was played in an episode of Supernatural, but for the life of me I can't think of it. I'm tempted to say it was either 'Home' (as cheesy/cliche as that would be), or Provenance (I'm not sure why this one comes to mind...). If anyone *cough
munibunny or
insaneboingocough* knows would you be so kind as to enlighten me (it's driving me batty, which unfortunately is not a long trip). Also there was an open package of Twizzlers and I just had to have a couple in honor of The Boys.
On Friday there was a 'The Sentinel' Marathon on Sci-Fi. They showed most of the Season 1 episodes. Over the next several weeks they'll be airing 8 hour blocks of 'The Sentinel' semi in order through the remaining 3 seasons. This is Very Exciting News for anyone who didn't catch the show in it's original run.
In other news (not that I'm personally following but my mom and dad are, since we've known Michael all his life), Michael Phelps won his 8th Gold medal today *\O/*
So I wrote a ficlet off of a 'prompt' from
poisontaster and I was going to post it before we came down to my parents, but alas 'twas not to be... I'll hopefully have it posted sometime tomorrow evening. Anyways I'll be around for a few hours so if anyone knows what episode that song was in Please to be telling me, kaythnxbai!!!!!