New Drabble: (SPN) Holding The Night Rated: PG

Aug 13, 2008 15:13

Title: Holding The Night

Author: Lady Taevyn

Rating: PG

Summary: There’s nothing but the car on the road.

Warnings: Angst (From me, shocking!)

Disclaimer: Don’t know, don’t own. Kripke is the Magnificent Bastard in charge.

A/N: justthismorning had the first sentence in a 'Thought Jar' type post in her journal, I saw it and this drabble sprang just about as is into my brain. Follows 'No Rest for the Wicked'.

He just presses his foot to the accelerator and keeps on chasing the storm. It’s like an ache in his gut telling him ‘forward’. He knows if he looks behind him everything will stop, will cease to *be*, and if he’s going to get his brother back he can’t afford that. He’s been here before on a Tuesday, or a Wednesday, but he knows instinctively that this is different; there’s no one going to help him this time. He left his cell phone three states back. There’s nothing but the car on the road. And right now that’s all he needs.

drabble, rated: pg, new fic, angsty, fandom: supernatural

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