Snaked from
bigfish05 --------------HAVE YOU EVER---------
* Ever been so drunk you blacked out: Yes But I hate the feeling
* Put a body part on fire for amusement: No, but I know a guy who did (he worked for the fire dept. and was a bit of a moron)
* Been in a car accident: No.
* Been hurt emotionally: Yes
* Had an imaginary friend: Um..., I still do.
* Cried during a movie: Yes.
* Had a crush on a teacher: Yeah
* Ever thought an animated character was hot?: Yeah
* Been on stage: Yes, in several small theater productions
* Cut your hair: Just yesterday as a matter of fact
* Shampoo: Suave: Green Apple
* Color: Blue
* Day/Night: Night
* Summer/Winter: Summer for the warmth (I'm a cold person). Winter for the pretty snow.
* Lace or satin: Lace (there's a certain 'purity and innocence' attached to lace that I really like)
* Cartoon Characters: I've never been a big fan of cartoons
* Food: Italian
* Fave Movie: I don't have one *favorite* I like a bunch equally
* Fave Ice Cream: Coffee, or Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough
* Fave Subject: English, Lit., History (I really suck at picking one 'favorite')
* Fave Drink: Anything caffinated and carbonated
------------------RIGHT NOW------------
* Wearing: Blue Jeans and a Beatles T-Shirt
* Eating: Left over roast beef from last nights dinner.
* Drinking: Iced Tea
* Thinking about: The fic I need to finish for
munibunny * Listening to: Law and Order is on the TV in the other room... And my favorite SPN vids are looped on my Media Player.
* Talking to: Myself, and my muse
* Watching: Law and Order
---------IN THE LAST 24 HRS--------
* Cried: No
* Worn a skirt: Yes
* Met someone new: No
* Cleaned your room: Hah, no way in hell.
* Done laundry: Yep
* Drove a car: No
* Yourself: Yeah
* Friends: YEs
* Santa Claus: Yes
* Destiny/Fate: Yep.
* Angels: Yes
* Ghosts: Yes
* UFO's: Yes
* Bf/gf: I'm married
* Ever been in love: Yes
* Cheated on anyone:Yes
* Ever done a "drunken stupid mistake": Yes
* Ever had a lesbian/gay experience: Yes
-----TELL THE TRUTH!!-----------
Would you ever:
* Pay for sex: No
* Strip for money: Maybe
* Play strip poker: Yeah
* Work in McDonalds: Yes (I did a stint at Arby's so it wouldn't be a problem)
* Lie: Yes as long as it wouldn't get out of control or hurt anyone
* Bitch about someone: I do that quite a lot.. XD
* What's the best feeling in the world: Being surrounded by my family and friends.