Of Birthdays and DumbAssed Family Members

Jul 21, 2008 22:43

So my birthday is tomorrow. My mom and dad got me an UltraSonic spot remover (I'm wondering what exactly they are trying to tell me with that. And the Hubby took me out to dinner on Saturday (nothing fancy, just a sub from the local pizza shop). Oh and my mom asked me what I wanted for my birthday dinner (which I had on Sunday) and I asked for Chicken Chesapeake (which is a chicken breast stuffed with crab meat, and a slice of ham) and Shrimp Cocktails. Well I got the Chicken but not the shrimp (it's like 9 bucks a pound for the fuckers...) But my dad made my most favoritest dessert Ever. Rolli Bolli (it's basically a giant rolled dumpling with fresh blueberry's inside. Oh My God it's freakin' Delicious. So I had a good 'Birthday dinner'. And with my S-i-L's and Niece coming up tomorrow it'll be Perfect. *Is very excited*

So then my mom calls today and says "Guess what your dumbass Brother-in-Law did?" And I was like "Which one?" and she said "Now take a real wild guess..." It was the English one (he's not the brightest bulb in the pack...) He was walking Backward at work (he teaches at an elementary school) and tripped over *something* and broke one of his arms and one of his feet!!! They were supposed to come for 2 weeks at the end of August, but with him in casts it just doesn't seem plausible. All's I could say was 'What a DumbAss!!!' We don't have a whole lot of respect for him.

family, random, food

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