New Fic: Supernatural Wee!Chester fic: Normal Rated: PG

May 29, 2008 00:17

Title: Normal

Author: Lady Taevyn

Rating: PG

Summary: Sam got into his first fist fight in third grade; Tommy Lucas had laughed at him for wearing the same shirt two days in a row.

Disclaimer: Any recognizable characters belong to The KripKeeper. I’m just playing in the sandbox.

A/N: I was looking at a writing prompt site and the one that jumped out at me was ‘Take the prompt: I used to think…’ and write for 10 minutes. This is what I got.

Sam used to think that moving every couple of months was normal. He used to be proud that he could pack a duffel bag in under 10 minutes and be standing by the car waiting. He’s probably lost more socks to industrial sized Laundromat clothes dryers then most kids owned. Sam learned quickly that when the teachers asked what your parents do for a living they are expecting answers like accountant, and mechanic, and police officer; they don’t want to hear that your mother was killed in a fire in your room and your dad hunted down evil spirits and undead things. Sam got into his first fist fight in third grade, Tommy Lucas had laughed at him for wearing the same shirt two days in a row. When they were allowed out for recess Sam never played on the monkey bars with the other kids he would stand at the edge of the playground on the school side of the fence and try to scare away the creature with the glowing red eyes. He had written down as many of the Latin phrases from his dad’s journal as he could remember; he thought it might have ‘flickered’ once but that was probably just the sunlight. When his dad and Bobby had come back to the motel three days later Sam tried to tell them about it but was brushed off. Sam decided in the summer between 7th and 8th grade that he was going to go to college, because somewhere along the way he’d learned that all those things he used to think were normal really weren’t.

sam, fic, wee!chester, supernatural

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