Spikes and Sharp Waves. Like WTF Does That Mean.

Mar 18, 2013 10:33

Dylan's neurologist read his results already (just had the EEG on Friday). It read abnormally. With 'Spikes and Sharp Waves'. Dr. recommended/suggested a medication called 'Levetiracetam' It's an epilepsy/anti-seizure medication. Dylan's 'seizures', such as they are, manifest as staring spells and a little bit of vertigo.

Has anyone on my F-List ever taken or known anyone who's taken this medication? Is it worth medicating when his seizures are so (seemingly) passive?

I would really appreciate Any advice y'all can give me. I'm swinging in the breeze, a bit here, and I don't really like it.


real life, blah blah blah, dylan the wonderful, help, doctors, random, wtf

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