Meeting the band: Behind the O.Z. Snippet

Apr 07, 2008 16:19

Title: Meeting the band

A/N: How’s this work for you musicinmytoes

“My god does no one answer the freakin’ phone around here?” D.G. asked as it started ringing again. “And why in the world do you people not have an answering machine?” She finally managed to locate the cordless phone under a pile of sheet music. It was Henry from The Zone.

“Did I forget to get limes again? Why is it that I’m the only person working there that can get the damned things?” D.G. asked

“No D.G. we’ve got plenty of limes as far as I know. I wanted to let you know that I finally managed to hire another bar tender. Her name is Margaret, and she’s willing to start tonight. So I want the band here early so they can meet her. Hopefully get any sophomoric teasing out of the way early.” Henry replied wondering, not for the first time about his employee’s sanity. Limes, really?

“Don’t worry we’ll all be there by 7 o’clock. Wyatt and Glitch got new strings and they want to tune them ‘in the environment’, whatever that’s about. And they’ll be on their best behavior. Is this one going to last longer then a month, and not flake when it comes to crowds?” D.G. asked cursing their last new hire under her breath.

“I think Margaret will work out just fine. I’ll see you at seven then. One of these days you’ll have to tell me why exactly Ambrose goes by Glitch. I’ve only ever heard the other band members and now you call him that.” Henry said, his curiosity having got the best of him.

“If I told you I’m afraid I’d have to kill you. No seriously I’m not even really sure what the whole story behind the nickname is. Maybe when we make it big and someone writes a tell-all about us it’ll be in there. Speaking of making it big, I thought I saw the guy from Mystic Man prods there last weekend. Was I seeing things?” D.G. asked having only just then remembered the man paying extra special attention to their final set.

“No you weren’t seeing things. He’s been coming almost every weekend for the past month. I think he heard about the ‘80’s show you guys put on and wanted to see what you were made of. Anyway I’ll see you around seven then.” Henry said hearing the back door opening, that would be their liquor delivery.

“Who was that doll?” Glitch asked coming out of the kitchen with a plate of bagel bites in hand.

“Henry from the Zone. He hired a new bar back and wants us all there at seven to meet her. And before you ask that’s all I know about her.” D.G. could see the questions forming in her friends head from across the room.

“Oh good, that’ll free you up to sing with us more.” Glitch said flopping down on the couch with little grace.

The guys were up on stage tuning their guitars while Raul was working a new set of sticks over with a lighter. D.G. would never understand the superstitions and rituals of musicians. She was getting the bar restocked and slicing fruit; figuring if everything was set up then she could work with Margaret (she was fully intending to shorten that once she got a feel for the girl) for the first hour or so, then be able to spend some time on stage. Henry was telling D.G. what Margaret had told him about Addison’s when the doors opened admitting the woman herself. She strode over to the bar with her head held high, exuding self-confidence. ‘Good’ D.G. thought to herself if she can handle herself around the guys she’ll be fine.

“Ah, Margaret you’re right on time. You can stow your bag behind the bar and I’ll introduce you to everyone.” Henry said standing to greet the woman. “First off this is D.G. she’ll be working with you for a little while to start the evening.” D.G. wiped her hands on a bar cloth and shook Margaret’s hand coming around the long bar to gather the band.

“Hi Margaret, it’s great to meet you. It’ll be even better to see you working, give me a chance to get out from behind the bar. Come on up to the stage, I’ll introduce you to the guys.” D.G. said leading the way across the club floor. “Henry told me absolutely nothing about you, so you’ll have to fill me in.” As they made their way to the mid-sized stage Margaret told D.G. a little bit about herself feeling like she was interviewing a second time. By the time they got to the stage she felt like D.G. and she would get along well. D.G. hoisted herself onto the stage watching as Margaret did the same with a fluid grace. She could be a dancer, D.G. idly thought.

“Hey guys knock off the racket and come meet Margaret. She’s the new bar back Henry hired.” D.G. laughed at the grumbles she received in response to her mocking.

“I’ll give you racket. Heya Dollface; you can call me Glitch, just don’t ask why. It’s a nickname I’ve had forever.” Glitch said taking Margaret’s hand and spinning her a full circle.

“It’s nice to meet you Glitch.” Margaret said regaining her breath from the impromptu spin.

“This fine figure of manhood is Wyatt Cain, but he’s taken and straight damn it all.” The last bit was said in a conspiratorial whisper that everyone heard. Glitch angled his head to indicate that D.G. and Wyatt were an item. “And this is Raul, don’t worry he doesn’t bite much.” Margaret felt almost as if she were intruding on a small family but hoped that she’d be accepted into it quickly.

“Well it’s nice to meet you all. And as far as ‘being taken’ goes my boyfriend is currently deployed, but hopefully he’ll be back by the end of the month.” She said shaking Wyatt’s hand. Raul took her hand and made a theatrical deep bow bestowing a kiss upon the hand before stepping away. “I’ll let you all get back to practicing, and familiarize myself with the set-up of the bar. I’m really looking forward to getting to know you all.” Margaret said hopping off the stage.

“She seems nice enough. I think she’ll do just fine. I’m not going to call her Margaret though. She’ll just have to live with Dollface.” Glitch said picking up his guitar getting back to tuning the new strings.

band fic, getting to know you, snippet

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