Happy Willow is Happy

Dec 24, 2012 11:41

The Hubby brought my computer in from the shed (where we stored 6 of our 8 when we first moved in) so I could transfer my music onto my new MP3 Player that my Makuahine was AWESOME enough to buy me for Christmas.

I'm so happy I have my music back. Now maybe I can work on my goal of losing 80 pounds ASAP.

Also: Happy Christmas Eve to those who celebrate.

ETA: I've made about a third of the cookies I want to make all told. I did Chocolate Chip, and Snickerdoodles. I need to do Sugar, and PeanutButter yet. Plus more Snickerdoodles (and prolly more Chocolate Chip) to take to my parents on Sunday (they host an Open House/Christmas party every year for friends and family and I said I'd bring the cookies).

Plus I have to make Special Breakfast and Dinner tomorrow, as we're not able to go to our parents... Pancakes and Bacon for Breakfast. And I got a Turkey Breast, Stuffing, Potatoes, Green Bean Casserole (for me and Ryan Hubby won't eat it), and regular green beans for Hubby.

real life, i love my radio, makuahine, random, the hubby, music, holiday

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