*Throws Tantrum*

Dec 09, 2012 20:19

So I Effed up my back yesterday horsing around with the kids. Not fun.

And I have this idea for a story (it would be playing in another fic authors sandbox, but they've given permission), but it pretty much requires a Het pairing. And I was thinking I could just gender-swap one of the characters; making them always-a-girl. But when I was talking to The Hubby he was all like: 'but then you'd have to change the whole dynamic, and the character wouldn't be the same. So why not just make it Original Fiction?' So I think that's what I'm going to do. It's going to take a metric butt ton of work but I'm totally up for it. BLARGH!!! My Back HURTS!!! It doesn't help that I made like 10 dozen cookies over the past day. Dude, tonight is so going to be an early night.

*crosses fingers that I can get somewhere to pick up holiday cards this week...*

real life, blah blah blah, writing: i does it, random, the hubby

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