Criminal Minds Plot Bunny

Aug 26, 2012 12:42

I know there's a comm for Criminal Minds plot bunnies but the most recent post is from Nov last year. So my idea is this:

Magic is real and known. Rossi is a high level mage Reid is studying under him. I would love for JJ and Rossi to either already be in a relationship or come together sometime in the story. Will left JJ after Henry started showing Magical skill at a very young age. The BAU is responsible for crimes involving Magic whether they were perpetrated by or against Magic wielders. If either Aaron or Emily's families were 'old money' and owned/operated a Magical oddities/book shop that would be the icing on the cake.

IDK this might stew on the back burner for a little while before I actually write it myself. I just really really want to see it written.

magical realism, idek, plot bunny, tv show: criminal minds, fic idea

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