I Googled Myself... I Didn't Like The Result

Nov 22, 2011 16:13

First things first.

*Super Mega Ginormous Cuddles to EVERYONE who needs them*

Then: I was wandering around Tumblr and I came across this picture:

And the first thing that came to my mind was: Did Alex steal a pair of Scott's socks?

Also: Last nights episode... I have so many thoughts/feelings I just don't even know. I think I may need to write some Comforting!Gracie fic for this one.

Also the 2nd: I mainlined Moonlight over the weekend, and just really need MOAR!!! I read a Moonlight fic a year or so ago and I want to read it again but I don't remember the title or author or even what site I found it on. Is there a Moonlight Fic Finder community?

blah blah blah, why so adorable, tv show: moonlight, omg, random, pic, tv show: hawaii 5-0

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