Help Me Foodies, You're My Only Hope!

Oct 17, 2011 18:09

Okay so any foodies on my F-List....?

I've got beans soaking for a 7 Bean Crock Pot Soup, but I'm not sure how to proceed. They won't be done soaking until almost 9 pm tonight (so obviously the soup will be for dinner tomorrow). I looked up a couple different recipes and I'm getting mixed signals. Should I use a can of tomato sauce or 3 smallish fresh tomatoes? What (dried) herbs should I use? Can I use a can of beef broth in place of some of the water (once I get everything in the crock pot), or should I just use all water? I don't have any ham bones.

Level with me, dear F-List: Is my soup going to suck? How can I make it good?

hands, epic fail, food, wtf, real life, what the what?, make it do, random, halp, made of fail

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